Concussions End Matheny's Career

And even worse...he's moved back to St. Louis to spend more time with his wife and FIVE children. Okay, so not worse...obviously he's a great guy, but we'll miss him here.Matheny, stunned and dizzy, had already taken maybe a half-dozen shots to the head during the week, but even after head trainer Stan Conte pulled him out and X-rays were taken, Matheny was already planning on flying to New York for the next series against the Mets.
Fat chance. He couldn't remember what day it was.
"We're competitive -- we're wired that way," said the 13-year Major League veteran.
Matheny would, however, never play again, and the four-time Gold Glove catcher reluctantly but advisedly retired from baseball Thursday because of lingering post-concussion symptoms.
With Pujols in St. Louis and Matheny retired, how am I supposed to enjoy my baseball games this season?
Well, we do still have Matt Morris. Time to get more Cards to come over to the Giants.
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