
Mandy Moment

My mother is terribly addicted to news magazine shows. She watches every single one and always tapes those she is forced to miss. The problem with this is that with 60 Minutes, 48 Hours, Dateline, and others, there is ALWAYS a "news" show on during primetime. As I have recently become miss Suzy homemaker, I was busy making pillows to match my curtains when the annoying guy came on at the end of 60 Minutes II to complain about the tourism industry in America. He talked about the world's largest ball of twine in Kansas, the pumpkin-hurling festival in Deleware, and the dirt museum in Boston. Mr. Cynical picked up a jar of pretty polished grey rocks and said they were from the driveway of a celebrity. Whose jar did he choose to announce on national TV? Why, Mr. Barry Manilow's of course.

oh Mandy

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